In the end, the FDA took little more than six weeks to give final approval to Kymriah, the first ever CAR-T treatment. The US regulators’ advisors recommended the drug last month, and now the agency has itself backed…
Subtle Shifts In Trial Startup Challenges
Each year Insight Pharma Reports, a sister publishing arm to Clinical Informatics News, conducts a survey of 100, qualified respondents seeking insight into the trends in clinical trial patient enrollment and recruitment. The third annual survey, which will be released soon,…
Report lays out new strategy for UK life sciences
Industry-led plans to breathe new life into the UK’s £64-billion life sciences sector have been unveiled alongside details of £160 million in government funding to fuel progress in the field. The Life Sciences Industrial Strategy report, penned by immunologist and…
Dominant Theme Today in The CRO Industry – Merger & Acquisitions
Disruptive forces made Clinical Research Organisations(CROs) looking at all options to boost growth and competitiveness. In one hand CRO industry under tremendous pressure to constantly increase efficiency and drive innovation in their operations on the other hand many Pharma companies…